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Persaud the Plagiarist

Celebrity psychiatrist Dr Raj Persaud has been found guilty of bringing the medical profession into disrepute by plagiarising some of his publications.

At a General Medical Council (GMC) disciplinary hearing in Manchester Persaud admitted plagiarism but denied that amounted to dishonesty, saying that all of the articles were properly referenced.

The charges mainly relate to material he included in his book 'From the Edge of the Couch'.

Dr Anthony Morgan, chair of the GMC Fitness to Practise panel, said: "You are an eminent psychiatrist with a distinguished academic record who has combined a clinical career as a consultant psychiatrist with work in the media and journalism.

"The panel is of the view that you must have known that your actions in allowing the work of others to be seen as though it was your own would be considered dishonest by ordinary people.

"The panel has therefore determined that your actions were dishonest in accordance with the accepted definition of dishonesty in these proceedings.

"The panel has determined that your actions, in plagiarising the work of others, were liable to bring the profession into disrepute."

Persaud is currently employed as a consultant psychiatrist for the South London and Maudsley NHS Trust.

The GMC will decide what sanctions to impose later today.